8 Causes for Tooth Decay

There are various reasons that a person can get tooth decay. Some of the causes of tooth decay can be poor dental hygiene or genetics. Listed below are the top 8 reasons Dr. Maya at their Laredo, TX dental practice has found to cause tooth decay in their Laredo, Texas dental patients:

Acidic Foods: Some foods that contain a lot of acid may harm any exposed nerves at the base of your gums and teeth. To reduce the chances of this pain occurring, try eating foods that are less acidic and you won’t feel as much pain on your teeth and gums.

Tooth Grinding: Grinding your teeth at night can cause unnecessary wear and tear on your teeth. This strain on your teeth can lead to tooth decay. Ask Dr. Maya about mouth guard options to help you stop from grinding your teeth.

Tooth-Whitening Toothpaste: Tooth whitening toothpaste can help whiten your teeth, but the chemicals in the toothpaste can also wear down your teeth’s enamel and make your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures. Ask Dr. Maya which toothpaste is the right option for you.

Mouthwash: On that same note, the chemicals in certain mouthwashes can also have an effect on your teeth’s enamel. If you should decide to use a mouthwash, you should choose one that has more neutral ingredients in it so as to not wear down your teeth’s enamel.

Gum Disease: Gum disease can have an effect on your teeth as well. As your gums recede, they expose nerve and root endings on your teeth that can be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, as well as vulnerable to bacteria. Be sure to consult with Dr. Maya if you think you have the symptoms of gum disease.

Excessive Plaque: Plaque is the sticky clear film that grows on your teeth after you eat or drink. Overtime this buildup can cause cavities to your teeth if it is not removed. Daily brushing and flossing of your teeth will help remove the plaque and keep it away.

Cracked Tooth: If you crack your tooth, contact Dr. Maya at their Laredo, Texas dental practice immediately. Having a cracked tooth can impair you from eating and chewing properly, it can also cause damage to other healthy teeth as well.  Do not wait if you crack a tooth!

Regular Dental Checkups: Maintaining a regular dental schedule with Dr. Maya at their Laredo, TX dental practice will ensure that your teeth stay clean and healthy. Dr. Maya will also be able to notice any issues before they can progress and treat you accordingly. Make an appointment with Laredo, Texas dentist Dr. Maya by clicking here.


Cosmetic Dentistry: Improving More Than Just Your Smile

What comes to mind when you hear “cosmetic dentistry”? For most people, they think of a bright, beautiful smile. While you are not going to read here that they are wrong, it is important to understand that cosmetic dentistry offers many more benefits.


Cosmetic dentistry procedures can help patients improve their overall health. Certain procedures have been proven to significantly improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


Improve Your Physical Health!


Stronger Teeth – Procedures such as dental implants, dental bonding, and porcelain crowns can be used to restore chipped, cracked, damaged, or missing teeth. The goal of Laredo, TX dentist Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga and her Laredo, TX dental team at McPherson Dental Centeris to develop a smile any patient can be proud of while saving as much of the natural tooth enamel as possible. After having a cosmetic dentistry procedure completed, patients often experience stronger and more properly aligned smile that tends to stay healthy, longer.


Jaw Realignment – Cosmetic procedures can prevent teeth from becoming misaligned over time as well as reducing joint pain from TMJ disorders.


Airway Realignment – These procedures help your body breath at night aligning the airway and oral soft tissues. They can end sleep apnea, reduce snoring, and improve the overall quality of your (and your partner’s) sleep.


Increase Your Self-esteem!

Did you know that research has proven a correlation between self-esteem and physical health?  Cosmetic dentistry improves your smile which in turn improves your self-confidence and self-esteem, giving you a greater self-image.


Smiling More!

With your great new-found smile and your greater self-image, you will naturally smile more. Smiling more makes you more attractive to others in all aspects of your life, from business to love. Research has also indicated that people who tend to smile more often live longer and lead a higher quality of life.


What are some cosmetic dentistry procedures?

Teeth Whitening – For the cost and amount of work involved, teeth whitening is an excellent option to get a brighter smile without a major investment. Options include over the counter strips, customized dental trays, in-office bleaching, and more. Talk to Dr. Maya at her Laredo, TX dental officefor more information on what would work best for your smile.

Dental Implants – If you are missing teeth, there’s a good chance you feel uncomfortable while smiling. That could lead to self-esteem issues and worse – physical ailments. Luckily, there’s a natural way to replace missing teeth: dental implants. Dental implants can work for one tooth or several. The best part is they should last a lifetime!

Dental Bonding – This quick, one-visit procedure involves using tooth-colored materials that bond to the teeth and can shape, lengthen, or color your teeth.

Porcelain Veneers – Veneers are a thin layer of material placed over a tooth that look extremely natural and resist stains. Even though they are more expensive option, their ability to flawlessly change the shape, color, and length of your tooth for a lifetime makes them an attractive investment.

And more! – There are many more procedures available that depend on your exact needs. Make an appointment with Dr. Maya and her McPherson Dental Center team by dialing (956) 717-8899 or visiting http://www.mcphersondental.com/ to go over your best options. There, Dr. Mayawill demonstrate how your smile and your well-being can benefit.

Your Teeth Play an Enormous Role in Your Life

Your teeth play an enormous role in your life. Besides helping you talk and chew, your teeth can have a major effect on your self-confidence. Most people say a smile is the first thing they notice when meeting a new person. Your teeth can make or break your appearance.

While your appearance is definitely important, your overall oral health is what you should be focusing on.  More and more studies are revealing the links between the health of your gums and teeth to your overall health. One study found that men with periodontitis had more than a 70 percent greater chance of developing coronary disease than those with healthy gums!

In order to keep your teeth and gums in good shape, our Laredo, TX dental practice, McPherson Dental with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga, agree that the following 22 tips can go a long way towards keeping your smile bright and healthy.

1. Go on a white-teeth diet. Typically, what you put in your mouth tends to show up on your teeth, especially if it’s dark. Drinks like black tea, red wine, coffee, sodas, dark juices, and gravy are some of the biggest culprits. Besides the obvious drawbacks from smoking, cigarettes and cigars stain your teeth, muddying up your white smile. The rule to remember: If it’s dark before you put it in your mouth, it has a high chance of staining your teeth.

To combat these stains, remember to brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking these foods. You could also use a straw to bypass your teeth when consuming liquids. The goal is to be conscious of the foods and drinks you put in your body and how they affect your overall health. Make sure to have a toothbrush around or at the least, eat an apple for dessert. Apples provide some teeth-cleaning action.

An advanced measure is to have your teeth whitened. You can do this with over-the-counter bleaching agents or by making an appointment with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga at our Laredo, TX dental practice.

2. Hum while you brush. Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga, everyone at our Laredo, TX dental practice, and the American Dental Association recommend brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day. Doing so ensures you get the majority of the bacteria-filled plaque out. By humming your favorite song, you can bypass the time while brushing and remember when it’s been about 2 minutes. If you don’t want to hum, you could also place a timer in your bathroom.

3. Don’t brush too hard. Your toothbrush shouldn’t look like the bottom of a 3 year old broom. If it does, you are brushing way too hard. When you brush your teeth hard, you aren’t just removing plaque, you’re removing the enamel of your teeth. When you remove enamel, the inner part of your tooth, known as dentin, shines through. Unfortunately, dentin is yellowish in color. Many dentists, Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga included, note the best way to brush your teeth is by placing your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gums and gently moving it in a circular motion, rather than a back-and-forth motion.

4. Drink a cup of tea every day. Tea ingredients seem to prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to teeth as well as blocking the production of a type of sugar that contributes to cavities. Another benefit from drinking tea is the high amounts of fluoride, which is good for your teeth,

5. Chuck your toothbrush or change the head of your electric toothbrush every two to three months. If you don’t, you’ll just be transferring bacteria to your mouth. Also, when you go to get your next brush at the store, make sure it’s “soft”. “Hard” toothbrushes are no good for preserving your enamel.

6. Use alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse away bacteria. Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can dry out the tissues in your mouth, making them more susceptible to bacteria. Unfortunately, the majority of mouthwashes you can buy over-the-counter contain a lot of alcohol. Some studies even suggest that using mouthwashes containing alcohol can increase your chances of getting oral cancer. To be safe, McPherson Dental in Laredo, TX suggests using a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol.

7. Clean your tongue. Cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper every morning removes tongue plaque and bacteria while freshening up your breath. Using a tongue scraper is more effective than brushing your tongue with a toothbrush.

8. Avoid sugary foods. Sugar and bacteria are the main culprits for plaque. When you have too much plaque, your gums bleed, your teeth decay, and you form cavities. Also, carbonated beverages and the acid found in refined sugars actually dissolve tooth enamel.

9. Instead, eat “detergent” foods. Foods that are firm and crisp help clean teeth as they’re eaten. Foods like apples, raw carrots, and celery make the best “detergent” foods. If you know you can’t brush your teeth after eating, eat these foods at the end of your meal.

10. Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning and then brush as usual. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. This is also a popular treatment for sore throats.

11. Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to remove stains and whiten your teeth.

As an alternative to toothpaste, use baking soda to clean your teeth. Put some on your toothbrush and follow the standard brushing rules. Remember to spit it out!

12. Practice flossing with your eyes shut. Most of us floss looking into a mirror. Unfortunately, you may not be in front of a mirror at all the opportune times you should be flossing. When you practice flossing with your eyes shut and without a guide, you will be able to floss in bed, in your car, at your desk, and before important meetings or dates. When you can do this, be sure to keep extra packages of floss scattered throughout your car, desk, purse, briefcase, and nightstand.

13. Don’t use your teeth as tools.

Next time you think of opening that can with your teeth, remember the damage it can cause. Use a tool that is disposable rather than your teeth that you only have one set of! Keep a little bottle opener and a pair of scissors in your desk so you don’t need to risk your oral health on something so trivial. Never, ever use your teeth as tools for anything except eating.

Check out the rest of the tips here: http://www.rd.com/health/beauty/maintain-a-healthy-beautiful-smile/3/

Hopefully these 22 tips help you keep your mouth happy, healthy, and bright. While these tips are helpful, you should always brush and floss twice a day as well as seeing a dentist every 6 months for routine cleanings.

To make an appointment with a friendly Laredo, TX dentist, visit McPherson Dental’s website at www.mcphersondental.com to make an appointment with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga today!

Your Teeth Play an Important Role in Your Life

Your teeth play an enormous role in your life. Besides helping you talk and chew, your teeth can have a major effect on your self-confidence. Most people say a smile is the first thing they notice when meeting a new person. Your teeth can make or break your appearance.

While your appearance is definitely important, your overall oral health is what you should be focusing on.  More and more studies are revealing the links between the health of your gums and teeth to your overall health. One study found that men with periodontitis had more than a 70 percent greater chance of developing coronary disease than those with healthy gums!

In order to keep your teeth and gums in good shape, our Laredo dental practice, McPherson Dental Center with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga, agree that the following 22 tips can go a long way towards keeping your smile bright and healthy.

1. Go on a white-teeth diet. Typically, what you put in your mouth tends to show up on your teeth, especially if it’s dark. Drinks like black tea, red wine, coffee, sodas, dark juices, and gravy are some of the biggest culprits. Besides the obvious drawbacks from smoking, cigarettes and cigars stain your teeth, muddying up your white smile. The rule to remember: If it’s dark before you put it in your mouth, it has a high chance of staining your teeth.

To combat these stains, remember to brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking these foods. You could also use a straw to bypass your teeth when consuming liquids. The goal is to be conscious of the foods and drinks you put in your body and how they affect your overall health. Make sure to have a toothbrush around or at the least, eat an apple for dessert. Apples provide some teeth-cleaning action.

An advanced measure is to have your teeth whitened. You can do this with over-the-counter bleaching agents or by making an appointment with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga at our Laredo, TX dental practice.

2. Hum while you brush. Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga and everyone at our Laredo, TX dental practice, and the American Dental Association recommend brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes, twice a day. Doing so ensures you get the majority of the bacteria-filled plaque out. By humming your favorite song, you can bypass the time while brushing and remember when it’s been about 2 minutes. If you don’t want to hum, you could also place a timer in your bathroom.

3. Don’t brush too hard. Your toothbrush shouldn’t look like the bottom of a 3 year old broom. If it does, you are brushing way too hard. When you brush your teeth hard, you aren’t just removing plaque, you’re removing the enamel of your teeth. When you remove enamel, the inner part of your tooth, known as dentin, shines through. Unfortunately, dentin is yellowish in color. Many dentists, Maya Guerra-Zuniga included, note the best way to brush your teeth is by placing your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle against your gums and gently moving it in a circular motion, rather than a back-and-forth motion.

4. Drink a cup of tea every day. Tea ingredients seem to prevent harmful bacteria from sticking to teeth as well as blocking the production of a type of sugar that contributes to cavities. Another benefit from drinking tea is the high amounts of fluoride, which is good for your teeth,

5. Chuck your toothbrush or change the head of your electric toothbrush every two to three months. If you don’t, you’ll just be transferring bacteria to your mouth. Also, when you go to get your next brush at the store, make sure it’s “soft”. “Hard” toothbrushes are no good for preserving your enamel.

6. Use alcohol-free mouthwash to rinse away bacteria. Mouthwashes that contain alcohol can dry out the tissues in your mouth, making them more susceptible to bacteria. Unfortunately, the majority of mouthwashes you can buy over-the-counter contain a lot of alcohol. Some studies even suggest that using mouthwashes containing alcohol can increase your chances of getting oral cancer. To be safe, McPherson Dental Center in Laredo, TX suggests using a mouthwash that doesn’t contain alcohol.

7. Clean your tongue. Cleaning your tongue with a tongue scraper every morning removes tongue plaque and bacteria while freshening up your breath. Using a tongue scraper is more effective than brushing your tongue with a toothbrush.

8. Avoid sugary foods. Sugar and bacteria are the main culprits for plaque. When you have too much plaque, your gums bleed, your teeth decay, and you form cavities. Also, carbonated beverages and the acid found in refined sugars actually dissolve tooth enamel.

9. Instead, eat “detergent” foods. Foods that are firm and crisp help clean teeth as they’re eaten. Foods like apples, raw carrots, and celery make the best “detergent” foods. If you know you can’t brush your teeth after eating, eat these foods at the end of your meal.

10. Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning and then brush as usual. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. This is also a popular treatment for sore throats.

11. Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to remove stains and whiten your teeth.

As an alternative to toothpaste, use baking soda to clean your teeth. Put some on your toothbrush and follow the standard brushing rules. Remember to spit it out!

12. Practice flossing with your eyes shut. Most of us floss looking into a mirror. Unfortunately, you may not be in front of a mirror at all the opportune times you should be flossing. When you practice flossing with your eyes shut and without a guide, you will be able to floss in bed, in your car, at your desk, and before important meetings or dates. When you can do this, be sure to keep extra packages of floss scattered throughout your car, desk, purse, briefcase, and nightstand.

13. Don’t use your teeth as tools.

Next time you think of opening that can with your teeth, remember the damage it can cause. Use a tool that is disposable rather than your teeth that you only have one set of! Keep a little bottle opener and a pair of scissors in your desk so you don’t need to risk your oral health on something so trivial. Never, ever use your teeth as tools for anything except eating.

Check out the rest of the tips here: http://www.rd.com/health/beauty/maintain-a-healthy-beautiful-smile/3/

Hopefully these 22 tips help you keep your mouth happy, healthy, and bright. While these tips are helpful, you should always brush and floss twice a day as well as seeing a dentist every 6 months for routine cleanings.

To make an appointment with a friendly Laredo, TX dentist, visit www.mcphersondental.com with Dr. Maya Guerra-Zuniga today!

5 Explanations for Bleeding Gums

If your gums start to bleed while you brush your teeth, you may think the worst. The reasons why your gums can bleed are varied, but not all of them are bad and almost all are fixable. Many of the reasons can relate to our daily lifestyles and personal hygiene.

One of the main reasons why gums bleed while being brushed is simply because of having poor dental hygiene. Not brushing and flossing regularly can lead to plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth and gums. A simple way to rectify this is start! Dr. Maya Guerra recommends brushing and flossing at least twice a day. On your next visit, our Laredo, TX dental team will demonstrate the proper techniques to brushing and flossing effectively.

Another reason your gums may bleed could be because of gingivitis. One of the main reasons people get gingivitis is from having inflamed gums. This inflammation in the gums is caused by a buildup of tartar, plaque, food particles, and bacteria on the gum line over an extended period of time. A way to help stop this buildup and inflammation is to maintain a normal dental visit schedule with Dr. Maya Guerra  at her Laredo, TX office. At your appointment, they use specialized cleaning tools to help remove the buildup on your gums that can’t be removed by a normal toothbrush.

Should gingivitis be left untreated it can lead to periodontal disease, a more serious dental ailment.  Periodontal disease is when gums become seriously inflamed and start to pull away from the teeth. You may notice pus forming between the teeth as well. If it remains untreated, tooth loss may occur.

For more information and explanations on why your gums could bleed, visit: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/oral-care/problems/5-explanations-for-bleeding-gums.htm?utm_content=5+Explanations+for+Bleeding+Gums+from+Discovery+Health&utm_campaign=&utm_source=5879&utm_term=&utm_medium=Facebook%3A+Greenway+Center+Denti4.htm


The easiest way to avoid any dental ailments or diseases is to maintain good oral hygiene and a healthy, balanced diet. Routine checkups and cleanings with Dr. Maya Guerra to remove hard to reach bacteria is a sure way to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. To make an appointment with Dr. Maya Guerra and her dental team in Laredo, TX visit their website: www.mcphersondental.com